Saturday Sept. 26: LANA community Yard Sale

Please join the Longfellow Area Neighborhood third Not-Quite-Annual Yard Sale
Brought to you by the Longfellow Area Neighborhood Association

WHEN: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 9 am - 3 pm, rain or shine
WHO: Anyone living in the Longfellow Area Neighborhood can participate as a seller. Anyone from anywhere can be a buyer.


Sellers: Register for the yard sale by sending in the coupon below with $10 for your LANA membership dues (those who are current with their dues do not need to send $10). LANA will advertise the event in local newspapers.

Buyers: On the day of the sale directional signs will be posted throughout the neighborhood, and maps of all participating households will be available at each participating household.

We are working on finding an organization to pick up your unsold items one day during the week after the sale.

I would like to register my household for the LANA Yard Sale.

Telephone: Email:

Please give us your email if you would like to receive LANA news via email. We do not give email addresses to outside parties.

Please return form to by September 21st:

PO Box 222 For more information, call
Roslindale, MA 02131 Janet Levatin at 617 953 9007

Please include a check for $10 payable to the Longfellow Area Neighborhood Association if you are a new or renewing member.